Orange ad faux pas - telling the truth.

Orange are proud of their network coverage, which reaches 98% of every square inch of Denmark. So proud are they of this that they spent this past year bragging about it in their advertising. "We cover here" posters proudly exclaim in far away corners and busy city streets all over Denmark.

Yesterday during the powerout, from 2 pm onwards every single one of Orange's antennas, relying on regular power, was off - making Orange the only mobile network that was completly in the dark.

Today Orange ran a planned advertisment in Politikens Newspaper - if there's ever been a time when an advertiser should have yelled "stop the presses!" this is it.

The full page ads depicts poster-suggestions sent in by Orange audience in respons to a competition on how they wanted to illustrate "we cover here", and then billboards were made with the user generated suggestions. This is a retrospective of the billboards with the pun; You covered here. (Ie; you the audience made these billboards).

In Danish the headline reads: "You Covered here".

a little truth in advertising never hurts, they say, but it's better when you do it on purpose....

This ad would have been a hell of a lot funnier had the sender been TDC or one of the other mobile networks that actually worked yesterday. ;)

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