Old Spice - Jackie Moon / Metric system - (2008) :30 (USA)

Best line: "Now I'm not familiar with the metric system, or any other foreign language."

Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, Portland
Director : Tim Godsall

Steve Luker (Executive Creative Director)
Jelly Helm (Executive Creative Director)
Mark Fitzloff (Creative Director)
Monica Taylor (Creative Director)
Eric Baldwin (Art Director)
Jason Bagley (Copywriter)
Ben Grylewicz (Agency Executive Producer)
Sarah Shapiro (Agency Producer)

Director : Tim Godsall
Prod. Co. : Biscuit Filmworks
Executive Producer: Shawn Lacy
Producer: Lauren Bayer
Editor: Matthew Hilber, Jim Hutchins
Post-Production company: Joint / Hutch Co.
Audio Post-Prod. company: LIME
Color Correction: Stefan Sonnenfeld @ Company 3
Titles/Graphics: Claus Hansen @ Riot
Sound Design: LIME
Sound Designer: Loren Silber
Producer: Jessica Locke

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