Obie awards 2006 - Hall of fame et al.

Stop right there, not quite done yet with OBIE Award winners - who won in 2006. Chick-fil-A was inducted into the OAAA OBIE Hall of Fame for their outstanding work these past few years.

"The Chick-fil-A Cows have become an American advertising icon that entices travelers with entertaining wit. The brand's ongoing outdoor campaign has remained fresh with new messages while always maintaining the core integrity of the campaign," said Stephen Freitas, OAAA's chief marketing officer.

Winner Public Service - this showstopper by Clarity Coverdale Fury for MPAAT Quitplan

Joint winners (four of them!) in the International Category were Goodgoll Vendramin, Inc. ads for Canadian Paraplegic Association ....

...and Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Mumbai for Jaipurfoot

...and MINI Cooper "Porcelain Pylons".

This ad was in mens washrooms all over Canada, the 3D pylons create a mini slalom course... well as Nike Canada "Barge Resistance." - Both from TAXI Canada.

During the NHL lockout this nike Outdoor campaign showed the stars using the city to train. This one shows Marcus Näslund being pulled around Vancouver harbour by a real resistance band connected to a tugboat.

In the Digital Display Media category the The WOW Factor, Inc. won gold for these Coca-Cola Company ads.

Previous Obies: Best of Show. And Poster Installations. Next all the other golds.

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Those Jaipurfoot ads are great.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I can't believe that won an award.
I was on the beach the day that thing was hauled around the harbour. At first, while it was in the distance, everyone was curious as to what it was. Expectation built as it got closer and closer, and then pretty much the entire beach responded with a giant F-you.

That ad pissed off so many people. That a giant ugly barge, with a huge poster advertising Nike, would be dragged across the water/mountain vista on a sunny summer day was just unforgiveable. Anyone from Vancouver, would tell you how Vancouverites feel about their views and they would let you know in a flash, that jamming advertising into that view would be a remarkably bad idea.

Since Taxi is in Toronto, it is no wonder that they would think it would be a good idea. Classic mis-understanding of the West Coast.

It did not help Nike branding here, it hurt it.

Dabitch's picture

Yeah? See, I was wondering what reactions to that one might have been - since nobody can tell from a distance that it's a real resitance band now can they? So what's the point than, really?