Nike forced to withdraw its Air Stab training shoes after increase in fatal knife attacks.

These boots are made for killing. Nike Air Stab trainer withdrawn after spate of knife murders reports the Telegraph. The - at this time - badly named "Air Stab" has had that name since 1988, but in the current knife-happy climate in the UK it takes on a far more sinister meaning.

"While it may be an unfortunate coincidence timing-wise, given current problems regarding knife crime, we completely reject the idea that we are in any way condoning or encouraging the issue of knife usage," said a Nike spokesman.

Yeah, knife usage. They don't really do guns (as much) over in the UK. But they can kill you anyway. Or, in the rants of Bill Hicks -

....last year in England, they had fourteen thousand deaths per every soccer game, okay. I'm not saying every system is flawless, I'm just saying, if you're in England, don't go to a goddamn soccer game, and you're coming home. It's weird-they don't have guns in England, but they have a very high crime rate, which tells you how polite the fucking English are. (English voices) Give me your wallet! All right. At least no one was hurt. How do you have a crime rate and no weapons, man? Does a guy walk into a bank: (English voices) Give me all your money! I've got a soccer ball! Shit, Ian, that's a Spalding, he's serious! Hand over the pounds!
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