Moms outrage against Nike nudity

Onemillionmoms are encouraging mom's to send letters of complaint "urging Nike and The NFL to drop the disgusting commercial" which is currently airing.

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"It is unbelievable the depths to which marketing has fallen. It's gotten so that you can't even watch a sporting event without exposing your children to nudity, sex and violence on commercials!"

"While watching the AFC Championship game last night I saw a very offensive commercial for Nike Shox. The commercial shows a naked man "streaking" across a soccer field during a match, being chased (but never caught) by police. During one particularly lewd portion of this ad, he makes obscene gyrations with a corner flagpole, much as a stripper would do, and leaves the field, only to return again. The commercial fades as the "streaker" continues to elude authorities."

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tlevitz's picture

my country embarrasses me on a regular basis. so sorry.

( I mean the Moms, not the spot ).

Dabitch's picture

embarrasses you? dont be humble - you guys are the entertainment. ;-) [kiddin].