Mister Moustache "Polish" (2015) :27 (France)

Brand new ad agency Altmann + Pacreau debut their new campaign for Mr. Moustache shoes. It's very strange. And features and black gentleman polishing his blonde mustache until it's black.

Client: Mr. Moustache
Clients: Thibault Repelin, Antoine Vigneron, Guillaume Alcan
Agency: Altmann + Pacreau
Creative Director Director: Olivier Altmann
Account: Martin Scali, Edouard Pacreau
Production: Irene
Post production/Sound: Prodigious
Post production: Karine Friang
Music: Ronan Maillard
Sound: Boris Nicou

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It's official. Hipster has jumped the shark. Get your shavers out, people.