Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop - music video (2013)

Miley Cyrus is making hella sure that we forget Hanna Montana with this video, complete with twerking and making out with giant barbie dolls in pools. Like an advert for party-drugs, it has obvious shots of speakers and sponsoring lipgloss in it, as well as a dude dancing around with a giant sign spelling "UCK" held at his crotch. Real mature, dude. It's difficult for Disney's child stars to transition into womanhood, without detouring past the skank-route, remember Christina Aguilera and Dirrty? Seems to work, we know it'll drum up some press, and it's even included in the Disney contracts.

"At 20 you'll release an album during your slutty-rebellious phase and gyrate around in a video." 

It all feels very California and American Apparel cheap, budget porn-style 'sexyness' ad to me, with the bright lights and the white tights. A look that I was sure went out of fashion two years ago in any other part of the planet, but I am not the auto-tune loving target market.

The video is directed by Diane Martel of Black Dog Films and it’s edited by Paul Martinez and Nick Rondeau of Arcade Edit.

Miley Cyrus – “We Can’t Stop”

Production Company: Black Dog Films
Director: Diane Martel
Executive Producer: Gina Harrell
Line Producer: Dina Ciccotello
DP: Olivia

Editorial: Arcade Edit
Editors: Paul Martinez, Nick Rondeau
Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
Post Producer: Kirsten Thon-Webb
Assistant: Pete D’Andrea

Executive Producer: Denise Brown
Colorist: Dave Hussey/ Company 3

Online & FX: SkulleyFX
Artists: Culley Bunker, Ian Johnston, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi

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