Mercedes-Benz "Parting" (2016) :30 (USA)

Mercedes makes every car to be eye-catchingly beautiful, meticulously engineered, and also able to back up in a choreographed line. They also in the case of the 2017 CLA, have an attractively lower price point.. The best or nothing indeed.

Client: Mercedes Benz

Agency: Merkley & Partners
Executive Creative Director: Andy Hirsch
Producer: Alex Kobak

Production Company: Native Content
Director: Iain Mackenzie
Managing Director/Executive Producer: Tomer DeVito
Head of Production: Sean Blair
Producer: Kyra Selgren
Production Supervisor: Melissa Jacobs
Director of Photography: Iain Mackenzie
Production Designer: Johan Letenoux

Editorial: General Editorial

VFX: The Mill
Producer: Anna Borysewicz
VFX Supervisor: Michael Smith

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