Verizon | LTE A / Not "good enough" (2016) :30 (USA)

1stAveMachine and agency Mccann teamed up to create this for Verizon, summing up that America is "not a land of good enough". It's not the "good enough canyon". 420 monitors build out the US map to show that Verizon covers America with great, not "good enough".

Client: Verizon
Agency: Mccann
Production Co: 1stAveMachine
Spot Name: Verizon LTEA
Partner/Executive Producer: Sam Penfield
Executive Producer: Lisanne McDonald
Director: Tomi Dieguez & Bob Partington
Line Producer: Jason Taragan
Post Producer: Malu Rodriguez
Director of Photography: Stephen McGehee
Production Designer: Ethan Tobman
Production Supervisor: Jonathan Mayo
1st AD: “Diamond” Dave Betances
SUPERVISOR: Gavin Guerra Senior
Editor: Colin Loughlin
Editor assistant: Chelsey Blackmon
Editor assistant: Jack Foster
3D modeling and animator: Walter Lubinski
3D modeling and animator: Felipe Amaya
3D modeling and animator: Nathaniel Westveer
Senior and lead compositors: Gerard Andal and Kyle Andal
Senior compositor & final conform artist: Bryan Rosenblum
Compositor: Russ Porchia
Compositor: Phil Massimo
Compositor: Matt Monson
3D Scanner: Phil Barker from SCANable
Clean up and roto: Bogdan Mihajlovic
2d animation & graphic design: Mo Ghayour
Color Grade: Lez Rudge for Nice Shoes

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