Logo A Go Go

Adobe Systems, the company whose software touches so many our lives, appears to be softly launching a new brand image.

For what will hopefully be a brief time, their current logo (the big "A") and tagline (bet you didn't know it was "Inspiration becomes reality") shares the main page of adobe.com with their replacements. The new tag, "Clearly Adobe Imaging" is accompanied by a logo that's anything but clear. Actually, it looks as if they tossed the old logo in a blender. Of course, when you have a clear lock on the imaging market, you can do anything you damn well please.

Come to think of it, why did they bother with a new brand image?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

I just went to adobe.com.

didnt see the new logo.

Dabitch's picture

Note the date on the article, this one was published in 2000 - when they did their logo-change. ;)