LG Ultra HD - End Of The World Job Interview / Meteor Explodes - (2013) :60 (Chile)

In what we may call "prankvertising", LG sets a bunch of job applicants up for being fooled by a really large TV. They enter the job interview room where there seems to be a window behind the interviewers desk. It's a TV, and it's paused on a key scene in the movie Armageddon.

I know people love this sort of thing, and it's gotten so much earned media that people in the US and Hungary now know that LG make huge flat screen TV's, thanks to Grupo:Link in Chile. But so many of my alarm bells are ringing here, I think it's a lot more arranged than it looks. The job applicants don't notice that the city seen through the window, is not their city. The job applicants don't get super pissed off when they find out it was just an ad-prank trying to sell them a telly. They're out of a job, you bastards, they don't have money for a TV right now. Bah, nevermind. Details. Some people love this sort of thing, and it's not the first LG branded prank out there, LG also did 'Smart Thief' via Y&R Amsterdam. It's like the ad agencies working on this brand are trying to out-do each other. Can't wait to see what'll come next.

Advertising Agency: Grupo:Link http://grupolink.cl/ , Santiago, Chile
General Creative Director: Carlos Rodríguez Bacigalupo
Creative Director: Cristóbal Santelices
Art Director: Juan Pablo Fernandez
Additional credits: Paraíso Films

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LG said that its smart TVs collect viewing information like channel, TV platform, and broadcast source in order to "deliver more relevant advertisements"

Damn, I've grown to hate that bit of boilerplate. It makes it sound as if "more relevant advertisements" is a benefit to the user, when it's not.

The phrase sounded insulting to me when I first heard it, and it hasn't grown any better.
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