Kazaa plans defensive ad campaign

Now that Napster relaunched as a pay service, trotting out a campaign about the cat being back, Kaaza is planning an adcampaign of their own.

According to a brief statement previewing the campaign, the print ads will be a "call to action to peer to peer users to communicate the message that, given the chance, users will pay a fair price for movies, music and games from P2P networks." The ads are also intended to let traditional entertainment corporations know that they are 'missing a huge opportunity to reach file-swapping communities'. The print ad campaign will launch the 19th of November.

Kazaa parent Sharman Networks has been scrambling for months to find a way to convince record companies and movie studios that it is sincerely interested in becoming a legitimate, licensed distributor of mainstream entertainment content. It hasn't yet been successful -- Sharman and Kazaa, its file-swapping software, are still the target of lawsuits from the entertainment companies. Sharman hasn't struck any large-scale distribution deals with major studios or record labels.

Napsters return campaign commercials are here - for super adgrunts.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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cafemuse's picture

This looks to be a last gasp for Kazaa which the public will have no impact on in the end cus they aren't strong enough to risk to embrace it or even buy-in to the pay-per-download model. There's gonna just be other software the downloaders will gravitate towards after Kazaa. Without compulsary (or blanket) licenses, the P2P model will fail as a commercial model. Unfortunately for many, the "all you can eat" model will not exist for some time as the transition from retail to web has not effectively taken place yet.

Though unit sales are down overall, it appears that the market is seeing an upturn, proven to be caused by an interest in mp3 players, duh!. IPods are creating a market where people now collect mp3's off their computers and in the back pocket. Jeez, the walkman saved the industry last time, when cassettes (and later CD's) were introduced widely. Just not sure if commercial sales of Itunes will save the industry as much as train the next generation of music buyers.

cafemuse's picture

Here's the links to the ads themselves


Dabitch's picture

Just not sure if commercial sales of Itunes will save the industry as much as train the next generation of music buyers.

aye.. good points all. [goldblume] Nature, Life, will find a way[/goldblume] - like you said, tapes actually made us buy more music, CD's made me and others cry, we now have the one-hit-wonder album and death of the single. It'll be a rockin' and a shakin' a few more years to come, but in the end, a p2p network, and paid music will exists on mp3.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Kazaa's "revolution" idea seems sort of trite if they are trying to become legit.

aiiobo's picture
