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Center Urges Anti-Alcohol Campaign

WASHINGTON, USA-Joseph A. Califano Jr., president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, wants the liquor industry to pay for a national anti-alcohol advertising campaign similar to the American Legacy Foundation's anti-smoking effort, sources said. The recommendation is part of a new study on underage drinking that Califano will release this week. Califano has criticized NBC's agreement with Diageo to carry liquor ads. But it is unclear how he could compel the liquor industry to fund such an effort. Legacy's anti-smoking campaign was required as part of a settlement, after attorneys general in 46 states sued the tobacco industry. Califano declined comment.

And yet, Lolliard Tobacco Co. is suing the American Legacy Foundation for overstepping the "boundaries" of a similar contract, by breaching the Master Settlement Agreement , "specifically a clause that bands the personal "vilification" of people or companies." Yet how can the mission of "educating the public about the addictiveness, health effects, and social costs of tobacco products" be done without making the company that profits from a business based on something with no real benefit (unless you count looking cool or whatever), not make the company look bad. I mean, isn't that the point?
Now with a similar organisation put together an anti-alcohol "effort"- I don't really see what the difference is between allowing beer/wine advertisements on television and not liquor...they are both alcoholic beverages. And if it's the kids they are afraid of having see these ads, 1) they are already watching beer/wine commercials and 2) kids who are underage are going to drink what they can afford or what's available...usually beer or wine coolers. It seems like it's just one more way to point the finger of societies problems (no, I won't get all preachy) on somone else.

I can see the ads now... visual-absolut shaped coffins, headline- absolut death.

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