Joelapompe on "le live média pub" (it's in French but we all know what "Déjà vu" means)

Mercedes Erra (Euro RSCG) and the presenters from Live media pub abut copy-cat ads, as an example they watch two near identical ads for radio stations that Joelapompe submitted to them. Some of you readers actually know French, and didn't make your French tutor cry and check herself into a loony bin - so perhaps you can explain to me what "ne crois pas outre mesure aux impostures" that Mercedes says means. Is she saying you can't or shouldn't punish the plagiarizers?

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joelapompe's picture

"ne crois pas outre mesure aux impostures" it means that she doesn't believe that creatives could be so dishonest to do such things. She says it's pure coïncidence!
hmmm hard to believe on this one... especially now we've found a third one :
Rmf fm garbusby mediafun

The thing I don't understand is : why do they keep on going with such a lame joke ??? I didn't laughed even at first watch...

Dabitch's picture

Ha! A Hat Trick-badlander! (Why do they always have to wash really tiny cars? Are small cars funnier?)

For a pure coincidence they sure look alike. Even down the the way that they are edited. "Shot of girl dancing /shot of feet from under the car / shot of water splash from bucket from inside the car" - it's fairly ridiculous.

Thanks for translating, you know how bad I am at French.