Illinois Lottery Mega Millions - Office Rain - (2009) :30 (USA)

It's raining... Money! Illinois Lottery and Energy BBDO turn a dull day at the office into a great daydream.

Client: Illinois Lottery
Project: Mega Millions
Agency: Energy BBDO
CCO:  Dan Fietsam
CD:  Grant Tennison
GCD/AD:  Frank Dattalo
GCD/CW:  Mike Roe
SR PROD:  Liz Zorek
Head of Prod:  Brigette Whisnant
Director:  Dante Ariola
Prod Co:  MJZ
DP:  Toby Irwin
Editor:  Andrea MacArthur
FX:  Filmworkers Club 
Music and Sound:  Jeff Van Steen

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