Jean-Paul Gaultier | Welcome to the Factory (2016) 1:00 (France)

Sexy ladies and men hang out in a factory that is Jean-Paul Gaultier in this spot that is a crazy throwback to all kinds of eras, right down to the hiphop opera. Hiphopera? Never mind. I like it.

Client: Puig
Agency: Mlle Noi
Production Co.: Stink Paris
Ex. Producer: Greg Panteix
Producer: Benoit Roques
Direction: Dvein
(in collaboration with Photographer Miles Aldridge)
Cinematographer: Daniel Landin
Set Designer: Jean Michel Bertin
1st AD: Daniel Dittmann
Post-production: Mikros Image
Additional art direction: Dvein, Alba Ribera, Maxim Goudin
Editing: Walter Mauriot
Concept Art & additional stroyboard: User T38
Storyboard: Alvaro Soler Arpa

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