IKEA "Everyday Heroes" (2015) 1:10 (Sweden)

IKEA honors the everyday heroes in your house. The toilet paper holder, the shower mat, the desk lamp. The footstool and wall-mounted hook and more. If you'd like to know more about these long-suffering domestic heroes, check out their Twitter handle @EverydayHero365

Client: IKEA Global Communications
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors
Art Director: Adam Ulvegärde
Copywriter: Joakim Labraaten
Designer: Martin Joelsson
Senior Account Director: Olle Victorin
Account Director: Katarina Klofsten, Maria Hallenborg
Agency Producer: Jens Odelbring
Digital Producer: Peter Gaudiano, Jimmy Wulff
Production Company: Anonymous Content
Director: Joachim Back
Executive producer: Eric Stern
Producer: Brian Quinlan
Director of Photography: Jan Velicky
Editor: Jeppe Bodskov

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