"If you don't take the design down now, we will sue you."

Wow, some people are really fun to work with, I guess. Watch out for her, she has a lot of connections at Leo Burnett, 'cuz she used to work at DDB. Agencyspy gossips about the Ocean Spray design mess:

According to our source, the former creative at some point posted an Ocean Spray package design on his personal portfolio site. The product either never launched or failed — we can't be sure because we have no idea what it actually is. However, we have learned from another source that the brand intends to reignite the product, and for that reason may not have wanted the old package design anywhere public — that's our best guess.
While on vacation, the creative (no longer at Arnold) apparently got a phone call from an Arnold account person, who asked him to remove the work from his site. He did so, "ten minutes later," according to the source

Now, in the comments over at Agencyspy that someone who introduces himself as Larry Martin the Vice President of Marketing at Ocean Spray, wants to extend an apology to Dan.

Update This is the guy who is being called a bad designer. Danamite.com. I beg to differ, that's a really nice portfolio right there.

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Looks like the commentators are bringing out their pitchforks and torches in that thread at agencyspy.