Link Lust: Asa Bailey is back, The Helvetica Tee, bras & mustaches

"Helvetica" shirt at Busted tees. No. Just no. OK, maybe, but only if you're dressing up as an ironic hipster at Halloween.

Rebecca Romijn repeats her Got Milk appearance, this time with her twins in tow. Sadly, they lack milk mustaches. I still think that mustache idea is better suited for yoghurt.

@Agencyspy dug up some more links to go with that bra color meme saying other cancers are jealous. Interesting that the consumer is now so trained to expect a campaign they invent one where there was none.

Asa Bailey is at it again, claiming is hacked, but it's just ye old domain squatting gag again. You might recall he's done this before. More than once. Seems fitting that someone yanked @asabailey's own name out from under him at twitter, and he had to settle for @Viral_Agency instead.

Additional fun # cookingwithcaruso (optional #yeaaaaaaaaaaaah ) is the silliest hashtag right now, blame @adtothebone a.k.a our very own Claymore for that.

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