Confirmit enhances user experience for My MTV

...Intuitive, interactive and exciting Confirmit surveys to improve insight gathered by My MTV panel...

New York, NY and Oslo, Norway – Jan12, 2010: Confirmit Horizons, the on-demand, multi-mode platform for customer feedback, employee feedback and market research, has been selected by Viacom Brand Solutions International (VBSI), a division of MTV Networks International (MTVNI), to support the rebranding of the My MTV consumer research panel.

The creation of a new interactive survey for My MTV is expected to enhance the user experience and survey completion rates for 4,200 unique MTV panellists. This will ultimately improve the quality of insight gathered about young people for MTVNI advertisers and media agencies who want to get a better understanding of youth culture across Europe.

The ability to create a bespoke survey template that’s more engaging than a series of tick boxes was one of the main reasons for the selection of Confirmit, as was speed of development. The first survey to use Confirmit focused on music and was sent to panellists following a short implementation period of only six weeks, which also included some re-branding.

Lisa Cowie, Insight Manager at VBSI explains: “Fun is a key factor for engaging our target audience of 15 to 34 year olds. Communication to youth won’t resonate unless it’s interactive, intuitive and exciting. My MTV must respond to this trend by improving the way we talk to our audience. In order to attract and retain panellists, we need to make their experience with us a stimulating one. We wanted to enhance the ‘look and feel’ of our email and surveys to avoid research fatigue and Confirmit is the best tool to enable us to quickly build surveys that fit with our communication style.”

The survey template can be adapted for specific research purposes quickly and easily allowing VBSI the ability to create a survey and gather insight within a week, on any subject, to enhance and develop its understanding of youth culture or about a category, product or service on behalf of its clients’.

Confirmit combines a great deal of functionality with an extremely user friendly interface enabling surveys to be developed with little or no programming knowledge or specialist training. Users can ‘pick and choose’ the functions or question types that they need for each survey and feed the resulting data into other business applications with ease.

“The ability to run all of our surveys in-house and retain ownership of the My MTV panel was very important to us,” adds Cowie. “In the future, we hope to create a ‘destination’ portal which will provide our panellists with a place where they can proactively post comments, take part in polls or ask questions. It is vital that we can offer something different and relevant for our audience and clients and Confirmit has the ability to facilitate this for us. We look forward to working with Confirmit going forward.”

Gary Schwartz, SVP Marketing, Confirmit comments: “We are delighted that Confirmit is playing such an important role in the continued success of the My MTV panel. The ability to quickly create and deploy surveys to gain actionable insight about a product, service or target audience is important for all businesses as they seek differentiation. Confirmit has been designed to provide an excellent survey experience for participants, generating the high response and completion rates needed to gather accurate data. We are confident that Confirmit provides the flexibility and functionality that insight teams are looking for.”

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