Huggies Jeans Diapers show fashion reaching the wee ones, approx 3 years later than in Europe

Adage writes about the Huggies jean-diaper effort in "Are Those Designer Diapers You're Wearing?" - and note : But for all that, what may really be driving the category is fashion.

You discovered this now? The Huggies print and commercial were released in May, the jean diapers are a summer item only and available June-July at Amazon and participating stores - but Libero has with Forsman and Bodenfors help been doing toddler summer fashions in Sweden since 2007 when unstable toddlers walked down a runway wearing the bling-bling diapers.

Since then they've had fashion diaper photo shoots in the desert (2008), hired designers to make Tiger-Diapers (2009) .....and of course, this year the fashion collection was all about football. What else?

Libero - Champions Football Collection (2010) :60

Fashionable summer diapers are here to stay, and what's funnier - the "low jeans and high riding diaper" visual fashion pun has been badlanded by Joelapompe as well. At least 4 different brands have done this around the world, three are available on Joelapompes site. With the one on the far right from Mol Concepts, the image is not an ad but a way to show the design concept of having the diaper-name-brand line the upper part of the diaper just like those Calvin-Klein underwear are designed.

I find it rather amusing that while the Swedish Libero changes the designs each season, from hip-hop to Tigers to football, the US version went straight to making blue-jean diapers. The American fashion icon, indeed. Next year: white trainers to dark pants!

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