Dating Brian is the DavidOnDemand with a romantic twist

Meet Brian. He hasn't been single since he was 17. He's just moved to New York City. He's an intern at @BBHNewYork . He wants to start dating again, but doesn't know where to begin. On a whim he said "what if I crowdsource my dating?" and thus Dating Brian was born. Brian will go on 30 dates in 30 days, dictated by you dear internet. You tell him who he should date, where he should go on these dates, and even if he should dare to try and kiss his date at the end of the evening. His first date was Monday, July 19th , so he has already been on at least one date - and a twitter-image shows her last night, she seems to be filling out a survey form? . Are his dates rating him?

Where next? And with whom? Follow @datingbrian to keep up.

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