How to manage and measure the word of mouth revolution

An article by Justin Kirby over at suggests how to manage and measure the word of mouth revolution. Not the easiest thing in the world.

Connected marketing is not about control; it is about management. And you cannot manage what you cannot measure.
However, looking at the wide range of connected marketing experiences and approaches in the connected marketing toolbox, you can see that we are not comparing apples with apples. So we cannot apply the same set of standards of measurement to, for example, an overtly branded marketing message that spreads virally, and to the use of a product referral agent whose motivation is ambiguous (i.e., it could be spontaneous or the result of incentives).
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deeped's picture

Is a thing a revolution just because many people speak about the thing? I mean - the biggest buzz is the buzz around the concept of WOM.

Dabitch's picture

If it gets more people to use WOM, it works! (hahahaha - sorry bad joke, bad day..)