Hong Kong fashion inspired by Nazi symbolism

Izzue.com (link not currently working) made the worldwide news for their nazi fashions.

The designer apparently just wanted the clothes, and also the shop decorating concept, to have a military theme, he claims he did not realize that the Nazi symbols would be considered offensive.

Red banners and swastikas adorn the shop, and there is even a T-shirt with Adolf Hitler on it. This is one for the "what on earth were they thinking?" marketing tactic. We have all heard of Izzue.com now, but we probably won't be shopping there anytime soon. Diplomats take Izzue with swastika promotion puns iol. Both German and Israeli diplomats were outraged.


"It's totally inappropriate because these symbols of the Nazi regime stand for cruelty and crimes against humanity," a vice consul of the German Consulate General in Hong Kong said on condition of anonymity.

"These symbols brought a lot of pain not only over Europe, but over the whole world. It's definitely not the way to promote clothes."

The diplomat urged the public to boycott the shops.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, a hockey fan has been fined today for making the stiff-armed Nazi salute during a game. The salute is punishable under Swedish hate crimes law.



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Robblink's picture

This news item reminds me of the time Target stores had to eighty-six their "88" clothes because of the number's significance to neo-nazis.
Read that story here

Dabitch's picture

I never would have known that "88" was code for Heil Hitler had it not been for that customer, and Tolerance.org and the long thread at Metafilter.

anonymous's picture

Holy What the!????

Thats just sick!

anonymous's picture

No one can look at the Nazi Hex signs & not be facinated by the artist design.They are really Hindu Hexigons,there are 2 different ones...a fowards one & a backwards one.(Hitler's regime used the backwards 1) The foward 1 wards off evil but the backwards 1 supposedly attracts evil.( not sure that i believe it.)Whatever,i am just saying that the Hexigons are very powerful sybols that were designed long before Hitler was ever born. Yukiko from Yokohama.

Dabitch's picture

>> backwards 1 supposedly attracts evil

I believe it!

Dabitch's picture

The good swastika can be found on postcards, and everywhere really.

Dabitch's picture

note: this is a Coca cola swastika.

The above decorations of that shop though, had nothing to do with the Good luck swastika, and everything to do with some evil Hitler-fuck that gassed millions of people who were either jewish, gypsies or gay. It's offending as hell to use the Nazi-parties symbolism, colors etc.

anonymous's picture

What on earth was this designer thinking? We all now that the bad guys had the coolest uniforms (the SS and Italian Facists) but PLEASE use your head before decorating a shop with it. Amazing.