Henry Wolf joins Studio in the sky

Henry Wolf, the graphic designer and photographer who worked as art director of Esquire, Harper's Bazaar and Show magazines in the 1950's and 60's, died on Monday at his apartment in Manhattan

PDN online has a great article detailing Henry's many highlights and changes in his career.

In 1965 he went to work for McCann Erikson, art directing such accounts as Alka Seltzer, Buick, Gillette and Coca-Cola. He joined ad executive Jane Trahey to form Trahey/Wolf, with Wolf as the vice president and creative director. For the next five years he worked on ads for Blackgama Mink, Charles of the Ritz, Elizabeth Arden, Union Carbide and others.

Photography by Henry Wolf, honored in PDN's 20th anniversary issue as one of the most memorable campaigns from 1980-2000.

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