Helsinki Region Transport: See everything on one ticket

Helsinki Region Transport had a little fun showing off all the places you can go with nothing but one ticket and a camera. They showcased very popular tourist destinations in and around Helsinki, with very typical tourists. Funny stuff, especially the Brits outside the Sauna.

Client: HSL
Advertising Agency: 358, Helsinki, Finland
Agency website:
Creative Director: Ale Lauraéus
Art Director: Ale Lauraéus
Copy: Antti Tähtinen, Jonathan Mander
Graphic designer: HP Savolainen
Agency producer: Mari Romanoff, Veera Kivimäki
Account manager: Kimmo Tupala
Product & service designer: Olli Laaksonen, Thomas Hutton
Photographer: Lauri Eriksson / Kuvaamo
Retouching: Jussi Manni

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