Grey Goose - Serenity - (2008) 2:00 (USA)

Version2 and @Radical Media created this serene mood video for Grey Goose

Client: Ikea
Spot: Bedroom
Airdate: 01/15/07

Agency: Deutsch/NY
CD(s): Bryan Black, Scott Schindler
AD: Lois Pyanowski
Copy: Nathan Hunt
Agency Producer: Eve Kornblum

Production Company: Epoch/Bicoastal
Director: Jeff Preiss
Producer: Chris Rouchard

Editorial: Version2/NY
Editor: Vito DeSario
Asst Editor: Andrew Doga
Managing Director: Linda Rafoss

Music: Musikvergnuegen/LA
Composer(s): Walter Werzowa, Omar Fadel
Producer: Pat Weaver

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