Greenweez - "The Community" (2021) :60 (France)

This is so refreshingly hilarious! Our hero goes for a morning run through the very "green" hippie commune where he lives, an ultra-environmentally friendly lifestyle where people fish with sharp sticks, shower with rainwater, and greet each other with "light be with you."

The details are great, like the snails to play chess with, the difficulty of detangling hair, and the leader of the hippie-pack wearing ankle-bracelets made of chestnuts. They think our hero is cheating, but our hero knows about Greenweez! There is no need to stop consuming to consume better. 



"For this project, we were lucky to work with Augusto Zapiola Gimenez, a brilliant Argentinian director who has been collecting awards for over 20 years. He has both a great comedic style and a great finesse. It's this balance that totally seduced us. " Gilles Fichteberg, Co-Founder, ECD, Rosa Paris 


"We chose to use humor to communicate our offer, in line with our communication last year. Indeed, responsible consumption and the urgent climate situation are extremely serious subjects, but we are convinced that humor is an excellent way to mobilize and unite around these themes. Once again, we were accompanied by the masterful hand of all the Rosa and Remind teams, and the fantastic director Augusto Zapiola Gimenez" 

"In line with our campaign of last year, we chose to use humor to communicate our offer. Indeed, responsible consumption and the climate emergency are extremely serious subjects, but we are convinced that humor is an excellent way to mobilize and unite around these themes. Once again, we have been accompanied by all the Rosa and REMIND teams, and the fantastic director Augusto Zapiola Gimenez". 


Media company Re-Mind PHD collaborated with Greenweez to bring the film to TV and set the brand up as a sponsor on France’s Top Chef. The film will be on TV and online starting April 3rd


Three short product-oriented versions will complete the communication plan starting April 4, each focusing on a product offering (furniture, food and cooking), as well as a billboard for the TV show TopChef starting April 13.                                                                                        


Greenweez is also evolving its graphic identity with a new logo designed by ROSA PARIS, which reflects its desire of becoming a more modern brand while still holding on to its green roots and concern for protecting the environment. 


The bee (the weez of Greenweez), symbol of biodiversity, remains the central element of the logo. Ultimately, the new identity reflects Greenweez’s dynamism and modernity, with colors and a natural look that adheres to the brand’s DNA and its strong ecological values, reinforced when, last year, it was classified a société à mission, a company with a set social and environmental purpose with specific sustainability goals. 

Founder : Romain Roy 

Marketing and communications director : Manon Le Bourdiec 

Branding and Sports Manager : Gauthier de Tessières 


Co-founders : Jean-Patrick Chiquiar, Gilles Fichteberg and Jean-François Sacco 

Creative Directors : Gilles Fichteberg, Jean-François Sacco 

Copywriter : Julien Perrard 

Art Director : Matthieu Vivinis 

Client Director : Lola Abourmad 

Account Manager : Lisa Duchein 

Junior Account Manager : Anaelle Hazout 

Social Media Manager : Léo Richard 

Production Director : Elodie Jonquille 

Assistant TV Producer : Héloïse Duquenoy 

Commmunications Director : Lauren Weber-Staricky 

Communications team : Manon Grébert, Marie Smid 



Production: Birth 

Director: Augusto Gimenez Zapiola 

Producer: Yohan Ungar 

Production Director : Nicholas Hayes 

Sound Production : Schmooze 



“Fortunate Son”  

Performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival 

Recording courtesy of Craft Recordings, a division of Concord 

A/C : (John Fogerty) 

Published by Concord Music Publishing 



Associate Director : Geoffrey Hayat 

Managing Director : Lucie Domenge-Chenal 

Client Director : Yanis Goudjil 

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