GE - Birth (2006) 2:30 (USA)

Client: General Electric
Global Executive Director, Advertising & Branding: Judy Hu
Leader, Global Advertising & Branding: Katy Brady
Ad Agency: BBDO
Executive Creative Director, EVP: Don Schneider
Creative Director: Scott Kaplan
Associate Creative Director/Art Director: Kathleen Van Hoff
Sr. VP, Executive Producer: Peter Feldman
Production Company: The Directors Bureau
Director: Mike Maguire
Executive Producers: Melissa Culligan & Cayce Cole
Producer: Katrine Haberstock
Editorial Company: Final Cut
Editor: Gary Knight
Assistant Editor: Anchor Mak
Executive Producer: Stephanie Apt
Producer: Sonali de Silva
Sound Design Company: Final Cut
Sound Designer: Terressa Tate

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