Freelance Art Director Sues American Express Over 'My Life. My Card.' Tagline

What are you thoughts on this? Do you think this happens alot?

American Express Sued Over Tagline at yahoo biz.

O'Keefe alleges that American Express's "My life. My card" campaign, begun in 2004 and featuring television, print and other ads with celebrities including Robert De Niro and Kate Winslet, used a "confusingly similar" mark to O'Keefe's "My card, my work," trademark, copied significant copyrighted expression from his Web site and misappropriated O'Keefe's ideas, damaging his trademark and business. He is seeking unspecified damages along with an injunction against American Express's continued use of the "My life. My card," campaign..

Also found this blog post splinteredchannels: American Express Sued Over "My Life, My Card," Represents Bigger Problems Than A Lawsuit and a DIGG link.

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