File under "no such thing as bad PR" - Chick-fil-A benefits from gay marriage flap

As reported by ABC news and Business Insider, all that talk about Chik-fil-A in national media and the social networks, actually increased their sales. Despite some people best effort to "just cost them money" by asking for free water at the drive-through, Jon Stewart weighing in on that, and Mayors of major cities telling them not to come there, Chick-fil-A made out. And so did a bunch of people who arranged kiss-ins at their local Chick-fil-A. With all this righteous anger being bandied about, no wonder people got a little peckish.

According to a study by research firm Sandelman & Associates:

  • Consumer use was up 2.2 percent in Q3 compared to the year prior
  • Market share up 0.6 percent
  • Total ad awareness up 6.5 percent
  • Shocker, ain't it?

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