In this 90 second spot from Scholz & Friends, directed by Martin Werner, a night watching the game at the pub turns into a full fledged riot when the pubs old TV caves. There's slow-motion shots of billiard balls knocking drivers out, tipped over cars exploding, and even a ghetto-bird dropping swat teams onto the scene. Well that escalated quickly.... Moral of the story? "Die Welt braucht bessere Technik" - that is "The world needs better technology". Saturn keeps the proletariat happy. Wait, what? You see, Saturn is a shop where you can buy all kinds of consumer electronics, you know how pissy I get when my headphones don't work. This ad is a great step up from the usual price-war ads we've seen from the likes of Mediamarkt.
Client: Saturn Germany
Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin
Production Company: Czar Berlin
Director: Martin Werner
Creative Director: Robert Krause, Matthias Spaetgens
Account Management: Stefanie Wurst, Uli Schuppach
Music by Massive Music