FFL Paris gets Juicy (& naughty) for Orangina

FFL Paris has launched a new campaign for Orangina with the help of Psyop via Stink, The Mill, Cinedroid, Amber Music, and Trim Editing. Superadgrunts, click on the image below to see the spot.

From Todd Mueller, Creative Director/Co-founder, Psyop:

I guess it goes without saying that when you get the opportunity to spray Orangina all over the chest of a sexy bunny girl, you go for it. That was basically the motivation and creative charge throughout the production; raunchy naughty furriness. The agency FFL were amazing to work with and just kept pushing us to get furrier and naughtier. The production team at The Mill and Stink brought everything they had to the table and the results are phenomenal. Now that we are finished, it's a bit sad to leave this crazy world behind. There's so much more to find out about this forest and these sexy creatures.

The print ads follow the themes set up in the TV spot. Below is a sampling of the 12 different variations for the print.

Previous FredFaridLambert wins global Orangina account after pitch July 2nd 2007

Print Credits:
Agency: FFL Paris
Executive Creative Directors: Fred & Farid
Art Supervisors: Feng Huang, Thomas Raillard, Jerome Laan
Art Directors:
Doe: Matthieu Colloud
Cactus: Alphée Ballester
Giraffe: Matthieu Colloud
Hibiscus: Pauline de Montferrand
Lilas: Nanaë Hassaku
Bear: Olivia Meier
Octopus: Juliette Lavoix
Penguin: Thomas Raillard
Lioness: Emmanuelle Durand
Hyena: Matthieu Colloud
Palm Tree: Thomas Raillard
Zebra: Alphée Ballester
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Hugues Pietrini, Marie-Laure Trichard
Art Buyer: Camille Guerrier
Illustrator: Antoine Helbert
Making and Retouching: Julie Poigneau

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Dabitch's picture

Tres kitch!

purplesimon's picture

C'est different!

And a little bit weird (I don't know the French for that)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Which makes it totally French. (IMHO)

mochazina's picture

It feels really Fred & Farid to me. Not that they have a stereotypical approach/ideas but that all their work seems drenched in glee, the pure love of making it. We could all do with a little more fun and a little less serious in advertising.

Bravo F&F, my hat off to you.

Dabitch's picture

Another F&F trait is the love/hate thing their work gets - right now this is scoring 3.8.

kamari's picture

I love the whole thing. It might seem off target but is there a target for orange drink? really?

yarstberry's picture
AnonymousCoward's picture

This is wicked strange.