F-stop interviews Julian Wolkenstein.

Fstop mag has an interview with Julian Wolkenstein which is a great read. Julian Wolkenstein photographed dolled up horses (don't tell the "my little pony" people), ending up with these dark, painterly beautiful portraits like the one of the black beauty with the colored beads on the left here. “One of the things we learned from the test shoot is that a horse’s head is incredibly big,” said Wolkenstein to F-stop, and he shares more anecdotes from that shoot and advice on how to handle a recession.
F-stop have my number:

To the chagrin of certain art directors, this gorgeous image will never wear type. And that’s just the way Wolkenstein likes it. “People wanted to put in a strip line on the bottom of a neutral work and say it was theirs. I wouldn’t have been comfortable with that,” says Wolkenstein. “It’s just nice to do something that has no reason.”

Here I was hoping for a release of secret Stevie Wonder recordings from his late seventies genius-era with this on the cover instead of Stevie himself, visually punning what a workhorse that man is.

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