Link lust: Google now serves gambling ads, Oz wants less booze ads, Youtube might make money in 2011

Google: No gambling ads! (unless we need to make more money, like right now)

When we asked Google about its gambling change of heart, it didn't respond. But the company tells The FT it's been reviewing that four-year-old gambling ad policy "to ensure it is as consistent as possible with local business practices." According to James Cashmore - who describes himself as the company's industry leader, entertainment and media - Google hopes that lifting the UK ban "will enhance the search experience for users and help advertisers connect with interested consumers."

He did not mention that this would bring the company mountains of cash.

Aussies want less alcohol ads, as long as they can keep drinking. I keed.

YouTube will need at least two years to start making a meaningful contribution to parent Google Inc's revenue says the Guardian, so come 2011, bo-yah people, flashy ads all over YouTube. Looking forward to it. People are waiting impatiently for YouTube to show some sort of profit;

"This has gone on long enough. It's easy being the Web's largest video repository when you're giving it away," said Colin Gillis, analyst at Canaccord Adams.

Other voice concerns of youtube's basic idea is 'wrong' to advertise on - the youtube idea.

Experts say it isn't easy to monetize a majority of the user-generated and sometimes pirated videos. "Major advertisers don't want to advertise against the user-generated content that dominates on YouTube," said Jeremy Allaire, chief executive of Brightcove, a Web video distributor for a range of businesses.
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