Expedia "PDA" (2015) :30 (USA)

And the Valentine's Day themed ads keep coming. This time for Expedia, who asks you kindly to get a room and stop making out in public.

Client: Expedia
Sr Director, Brand Marketing: Vic Walia
Sr Manager, Brand Marketing: Jessica Eichner
Media Director, Brand Marketing: Elizabeth Dorrance
Agency: 180LA
Executive Creative Director: William Gelner
Copywriter: Ted Kapusta
Art Director: Thomas Rodgers
Head of Production: Natasha Wellesley
Senior Producer: David Emery
Head of Account Management: Chad Bettor
Account Director: Brooke Stites
Account Manage: Mackenzie Walen
Production Co: Melvin Production
Editorial Company: Melvin Editorial
Editor: Dave Groseclose
Producer: Brian Scharwath
Music Supervisor: Andrew Kahn/GEMS
Song: “This Is The Nite”
Performed By: The Valiants
Composed by: Jones, Cofield, Pipkins, and Spencer

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HyperHeather's picture

I won't ever use Expedia again - you're telling people to "get a room" and stop PDA, yet you throw it in all of our faces? And the lesbian couple?? OMG! I'm sick of LGBT crap being shoved down my throat!

Ash's picture

Yeah, and I'm sick of straight crap being shoved down MY throat. Get used to it, bigot.