The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland press campaign from TBWA

This campaign from the The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is trying to attract a new audience to the church. As visuals they have both a black Jesus, a female Jesus, a gay couple asking "what would Jesus do?" and a hippie-styled poster with the line "Jesse really digs ya man"

Kudos Ad Agency : TBWA\PHS Helsinki Oy
Mikko Torvinen (Art Director)
Antti Toivonen (Copywriter)
Tommi Laiho (Copywriter)
Ossi Honkanen (Art Director)
Sanna Sipola (Illustrator)
Johanna Paavilainen (Account Supervisor)
Merja Koskinen (Account Supervisor)
Jaana Haapala (Strategy Director)
Minna Helske (Planner)

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smizzly_bob's picture

So the church is trying to win new converts by changing what it says in the Bible to appeal to different minority groups who would find that kind of Biblical revisionism appealing? What next, having Moses use a machine gun against the Egyptians? Let's give them motorcycles and airplanes too and replace the Romans with Nazis like in Indiana Jones! The message is what should draw people in, not large scale changes to the text that would only attract small fringe groups. Would they put strippers and gun fights into Hamlet to get more people interested in Shakespeare?

malkie66's picture

Hmmm. I can see the graffitists having a lot of fun putting big fat reefers in all those hands...and a special fat one in the mouth of the black Jesus. That's what I'd call a bold campaign. But I love the line "I can see you hurt inside tough guy" - well gay.