ELLE Australia cover shows Nicole Trunfio breastfeeding

Nicole Trunfio's Elle Australia cover shows her actually nursing her son Zion Clark. It was an unplanned moment, as Zion Clark was already there for the photoshoot, posing with mom as she wore Prada and her winning smile. But then Zion was hungry and Nicole stepped off the set to feed him.

“This wasn’t a contrived situation: Zion needed a feed, Nicole gave it to him, and when we saw how beautiful they looked we simply moved her onto the set,” ELLE's editor-in-chief Justine Cullen says. “It was a completely natural moment that resulted in a powerful picture.”

Not everyone thinks this is a natural moment, as seen in the facebook comments on Elle's site, some are pointing that Zion is not wearing a diaper - which he wasn't for the photo shoot - others are complaining that Nicole isn't connecting to Zion since she's not looking at him. Welcome to Motherhood, Nicole, the special title that means anyone and everyone will weigh in on everything you do at all times.

Oh, and about that diaperless baby? "Another natural moment that took place on set was Zion answering nature’s call on the selection of international and local designer clothing worn by his mother in the shoot." - oops. Subscribers of ELLE Australia will receive the model nursing cover, while the cover below is the one you'll find in stores.

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"Welcome to Motherhood, Nicole, the special title that means anyone and everyone will weigh in on everything you do at all times"

Before and after birth.