Women describe themselves to Gil, and later a complete stranger describes the same woman. When these ladies see the portraits of how they see themselves vs how other people see them it's a revelation. It might not be on Anorexia levels bad self image, but they are all describing slightly grotesque caricatures of their own beautiful faces.
See more clips and sketches at real beauty sketches.
Something this good, and this shareable, will have its detractors. You can start your bingo-engines now by checking off the following complaint areas:
1) the women are mainly white 2) the sketch artist is male 3) it puts the blame on the women for not seeing them as pretty when its society who taught them this.
.....And so on. Make your own scores too.
Update! Congratulations to winning the Grand Effie 2014
Ad agency: Ogilvy Brazil São Paulo - Real Beauty Sketches - Unilever