Dove - patches - (2014) 4:00 (USA)

Dove are back, reminding us that real beauty comes from the inside. This time they did a clinical trial, and had women wear "beauty patches" for two weeks, as test subjects for this presumably new product. The women did video diaries every day about how the patch affected them, and their choice of what to wear, when to smile, how to do their hair. When the two weeks trial was up, the women sum up their experience and are asked if they would buy the product if it became available. "Yes". They are then asked if they want to know what's in the patch. "Yes". Surprise! Nothing is in the patch. It's a placebo, and the experience women had feeling beautiful was all inside of them from the start.

It's a bit like Dove meets Punkd at this point.

Client: Dove

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