Samsung Tunisia - Backup Memory - (2014) 3:00 (Tunisia)

3SG/BBDO Tunisia have created this app for Samsung Tunisia in collaboration with Tunisian Alzheimer Association, enlisting the skills of geriatricians and phone technicians to help patients and make life a little easier for all. It's the "backup memory" app, an app that helps an Alzheimer patient "remember" who they are speaking to by checking their phone. It not only removes that moment where the sufferer of Alzheimers doesn't recognize who they are speaking to, it also helps recall in the long-run, slowing the demise of the patients memory.

Having watched a loved one suffer from Alzheimers, I find this app to be a great idea. I think it could actually work to help prevent memory loss. I'll be buying a family member a Samsung very soon. Thank you 3SG/BBDO and Samsung and Tunisian Alzheimer Association for doing this. A simple, yet brilliantly powerful app idea.

(The case study on the other hand is a bit long-winded. Edit it down for the award shows so you get some deserved bling for this work.)

Ad Agency: 3SG BBDO
Creative Director: Jean-Louis Rerat
Associate Creative Director: Yassine Boughaba

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