Dove make ads just for Mad Men, women have the ideas, get no credit

Yes, I get it everybody loves Mad Men, so really, it's no wonder that a soap should advertise on what is arguably the best soap opera going. Sorry, drama series. And hey, someone had an idea, wouldn't it be funny if they did the ads in "Mad Men" style? Set in a fake "Mad Men" agency in that era? They're not doing this just for Dove, Unilever has done ads like this for to be followed by Breyers, Hellmann’s, Klondike, Suave and Vaseline. All of the vignette-style commercials are being produced by Mindshare Entertainment. But it's the Dove one that I find a little too jarring. We're talking about Dove, the brand that attempts to give power back to women, the brand that is featured in About Face's gallery of winners, the brand that wants to install self-confidence in your daughters with the Dove movement. And here the woman is - as usual in the Mad Men universe - a humble coffee-serving secretary, with all the bright ideas, and none of the credit. Yeah, it doesn't really sit right with me. Not for this brand, anyway. All the ads take place at the fictional agency Smith Winter Mitchell, which like Mad Men's Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is situated somewhere on Madison Avenue in 1964. Each one of the retro-ads is then followed by a modern ad for the same product. Looking forward to seeing how the unnamed secretary (Nancy) feeds the creative team - copywriter, Phil Smith, and art director, Tad Winter - ideas for Bayer, Suave, Vaseline and Klondike bars as well.

Mindshare Entertainment

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Neo's picture

Aren't you overreacting just a leeeeeeetle bit here?

Dabitch's picture

Am I? I can't stand when brands lose their carefully established voice just for a gimmick. (also, hey, I needed an angle!)

A Lesbian Sold You That's picture

This is a valid point.
...Little secretary's in Mad Men 'over react'.

Neo's picture

Sorry. It's my secretary's day off.

fairuse's picture

I see where Dove is coming from. Went back to "Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty" and worked some of the quizzes and watched a video or two (see proof attached). The "Real Beauty" is an excellent educational campaign, for high school girls. Dove wants to sell to the women this round (20 to 40 yro?) The "Clueless Duo" are stuck and a 'humble coffee-serving secretary' pulls their butt out of the fire. She has a big enough pair to offer the clue and go back to doing "her" thing. Yes, its is a period piece so stereotypes have to stay in character as much as possible. Yes, it is cheesy. Don't watch the show so I hope I am being fair.

Waiting for Klondike Bar ad.