Dish - Next Room / Free iPad - (2013) :30 (USA)

Barton F. Graf 9000 write down the brief as a script, by making the Dish guys run and hide in various places as they keep hearing the news on their free Dish iPad that they picked dangerous spots to hide. The result is a lot funnier than just reading the brief.

Agency: Barton F. Graf 9000 New York
Client: Dish
Prod. Co.: Arts & Sciences
Director: Mal Ward
EP: Marc Marrie
Producer: Pat Harris
Director: Adam & Dave
Edit: MacKenzie Cutler
EP: Sasha Hirschfeld
Producer: Evan Meeker
Editor: Dave Anderson
Assistant Editor: Mike Leuis
Finishing: Schmigital
Flame Artist: Jimmy Hayhow
Sound: Heard City
Mixer: Eric Warzecha
EP: Gloria Pitagorsky
Producer: Sasha Awn
Producer: Katie Flynn

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