The failed attempt of making the McDonald's "BK King" bun film viral....

So the "miracle bun" is making email rounds to ad bloggers. Yep, I too have received an email, July 2nd, with the subject "seen this? possibly for BK?". Since I get a lot of legit emails, that tell me the credits of creators and that sort of thing that I'd rather spend my time on, and I have spent many years (14 but who's counting?) yawning at these types of fake-viral kickstarts, I don't even bother with these types of emails any more. Most of the time, I don't even click the link.

Ben Kunz did though, and he muses at brandflakes "can you trust the Burger King miracle bun?" You see, both him and Where's My jetpack got that same email. "Where's my jetpack" had some time to kill, so he picked apart the attempt of viral-launching and the many reasons why it is a #fail. It has forced acting, it's being tipped with mystery-mail, it has no views.....

It is uploaded by a guy who, SURPRISE, has only ever uploaded one video - and it's this one.
And the people who think Jake's video is awesome, their profiles have ZERO uploads. These are what's known in the business as "fake plants pretending to like your faked stupid video." One of them comments on Jake's video that "Damn dude! This BK thing is blowin' up!" Uh, not really.

I didn't post it. You see, secrecy is not the key to viral. Check out the recent BYU study like a scholar, scholar (look at the amount of FB "likes" on that one), and January's big hit here The Coke Happiness Machine and you can plainly see that they went viral just fine with their credits attached. Oh yes, that's right... It was because they're good. You might have to work on that.

Edit Ben Kunz added on twitter another #fail-point: "Don't those McDonald's buns usually have ketchup and mustard spread inside? Just sayin ;)"

If you must look at the Miracle bun, here ya go.

src="">BYU study like a scholar, scholar (look at the amount of FB "likes" on that one), and January's big hit here The Coke Happiness Machine and you can plainly see that they went viral just fine with their credits attached. Oh yes, that's right... It was because they're good. You might have to work on that.

Edit Ben Kunz added on twitter another #fail-point: "Don't those McDonald's buns usually have ketchup and mustard spread inside? Just sayin ;)"

If you must look at the Miracle bun, here ya go.

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