Cricket Cola asks Coca Cola to cease-and-desist stealing tagline

Adage reports about the tiff between Coca Cola and the green tea happy soda called Cricket Cola who have been using the tagline happiness in a bottle for the past two years.

Cricket want Coke to stop using the same tagline and now run print ads with the headline "Hello Goliaths, Meet David" explaining who was the happy in a bottle first.

"Cricket's marketing efforts -- and its ability to build a distinctive brand around the 'Happiness in a bottle' tag line -- is threatened and frankly can be destroyed by Coca-Cola's marketing power and use of that message in its current worldwide marketing campaign," the letter said. "Coca-Cola's conduct in that regard would support a finding of trademark infringement under [paragraph/section] 43(a) of the Lanham Act."

Let's hope for a happy ending.

Funnily enough, as Cricket Cola huffs and puffs at Coca Cola, someone else out there is feeling a little ripped off.

Meet an even smaller David : Cricket Soda - "They stole my idea once again". ;)

I am really pissed off that they have a cola called “Cricket Cola.” It is like big corporations are spying in on my life to get ideas. My whole life is just some big experiment to help them get ideas on how to sell shit.Cricket Cola

First off, they stole the idea for that stupid wiener dog commercial from me. You know that commercial for some mobile phone were because they were using someone else for their provider, they mistakenly hear Dachshund rather than oxen. So they have a farm full of wiener dogs running around and it is a big laugh and everyone knows and loves that damn commercial.

A long time before they aired that commercial I told all my friends that I wanted to have a wiener dog farm when I grow up. I had a wiener dog at the time and just had a thought that I would never be depressed if I had a dozen wiener dogs running around all the time. I said I would have a heard of wiener dogs, and I would round them up for breakfast and supper on my trusty donkey.

When my friends and I first saw the ad, we were stunned. I told everyone that it was my idea, but they didn’t believe me. Everyone loved the commercial, and thought I had just stolen the idea.

Today I learned about another stolen idea. They have a new cola out that blends green tea and kola nut to make a green tea coke. They call this new beverage Cricket Cola. Wow, what a great name, it reminds me of something. Oh yeah, CricketSoda.

It makes me feel kind of dumb. In February, before they came out with this new soda, (or before they had a website for it) I was thinking of ways on expanding CricketSoda. I thought about getting the domain name and maybe even selling a beverage called Cricket Soda.

Not quite Cricket Cola. My drink would have been the best thing you ever put in your mouth. Not that Cricket Cola is that bad, but I was never a huge fan of Green Tea. I always went for the lemonade instead of the tea. Much more there for me.

So I am almost convinced I am being watched. Maybe. I don’t want to say anything and become labeled as a crazy person. Should I be upset? I kind of feel upset, but then again I am always confused. Should I sue? Maybe they might just not know about CricketSoda, and they just happened to get stoned and called their “new creation” Cricket Cola.

I don’t buy their story though. They have this little short vague story about how they came up with it, and how they left out all the space age chemistry the big guys use (they couldn’t afford it?). It sounds a little too much like they have no clue what their company is really about. Like they just half assed it and played the healthy card to sell their product.

What a cute name, and a great idea. Soda that is healthy and has a cool name that you can show to all your friends, and they will be all happy that you have cool soda and you are different than everyone else because they all drink normal soda.

I don’t buy it. But what should I do?

I’m kind of upset. They are stupid and lazy. I put more thought into taking a shit than those trendy assholes put into this little company and it makes me sick. Then again, maybe I am just upset because I have to pay so much for flavored water. No matter what flavored water it is, it drains my pockets. Maybe I just want a cheap soda, not some over priced crap in a bottle.

I think it is a calling for me to change the beverage industry. Soda of dreams, soda of dreams; a sign maybe I should follow.

So I flick off the hidden camera hidden in my computer screen and go to sleep.

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