"Come here and arrest me. I double-dare you."

The headline is what I actually responded to this email sent via the contact form.

Matt FITZGIBBON sent a message

message from Victoria Police.Australia
Re the images Branded For Life, you have placed for "Child Protection Foundation of Thailand"
We are requesting that the images be removed form Google as we have recieved complaints re searches finding images offensive.

Victoria Police, Melbourne West Police Station, 637 Flinders Street Melbourne, Australia, Ph 03,92476491

The hypothetical police officer MATT is talking about the Child Protection Foundation of Thailand - "branded for life" campaign of 2008. These emails are actually cheering me up, as they prove the new site design is making old posts easier for random visitors to find, I guess.

Always look on the bright side of life *whistles* ♪

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Did they really expect you to believe they were the police?