Coloreria Italiana - Husbands Revenge (2007) :50 (Italy)

In the original Coloreria Italiana ad the horny but rather unattractive skinny husband who prances about in his old ugly underwear was turned into a hunky chunky muscle man, and black to boot, because "coloured is better". Clearly a pun that can only work in Italian today, as that would not fly in any other language or western country that I can think of right now.

In this ad, our husband gets revenge, or so he thinks. While the wife starts doing the laundry, looking worse for wear herself with greasy hair and a frown, he's eyeing up sexy black babes in some magazine. Angered the wife beckons him to come do his laundry himself, and the husband pulls the "eat this washing powder packet while I stuff you in the machine" move on her. He's none too pleased with the results, that lead us to yet another terrible pun as a tagline.

Side-note: this ad idea would have been banned in Sweden on the laundry-packed in mouth move alone. Can't have kids thinking it's okay to eat those things!

Client: Coloreria Italiana

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These ads are terribly racist!!!!