Click on those who click on Adland

In case you wondered what the banners with visiting IP's and domains are doing up there, they are there to amuse you.

The banners consist of visiting IP's and domains and also lead to their sites. By clicking on the banner, you'll surf another Adland visitors site.

This is quite funny in a "surfing 95" (in other words, aimlessly and pretty cluelessly) kind of way.

Visitors to this site are students from all over the planet, adgrunts from agencies all over, postproduction companies in Japan, Netherlands and Iceland, and outstationed Americans missing home (which is the only way I can think of explaining all the military hits, and the hits from the US embassy in London) to media companies and portals in Singapore.

Each night at midnight, the stats are churned here and a list of interesting names are spat out for me, sorted by frequency.

In other words, if you surf here from the office often enough, that name will soon be up there.

I avoid adding personal dialups (or things that look like it) since the only website on the other end is the ISP's or portal they are dialing up to, which makes for a pretty uninteresting surf.

Web agencies in Slovenia, ad agencies in Romania, ad students in Australia. Click on any banner you think sounds interesting to find out who it belongs to. Some servers have amused themselves with funny naming. "" and "" just to mention two.

And when you surf, don't be surprised if you end up in Greek, Icelandic, Japanese or Singaporean sites that speak languages your computer can't even reproduce. It's like a trip around the (ad)world.

Note: All banners moved to what we called the Banner Museum where ad agencies and students can see if I caught you visiting. Adland stopped displaying the visitor banners July 30 2003. The banner museum can be viewed via the internet archive, here.

I always loved this firewall name.
The FCC used to visit regularly. Good to know.
Crain communications, that is Adage journalists, were constantly hanging around here.
Hello Brazil!
When someone asks about advertising, who you gonna call?
Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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