CIL Paint "Kitchen" (2015) :15 (Canada)

Your walls have feelings, you know. They don't like it when you get all judgmental and gossip about them in front of them. Not cool, homeowner. Not. Cool.
Fun pre-roll ads for a usually boring category.

Client: CIL Paints
Agency: DDB Canada
Chief Creative Officer: Cosmo Campbell
Executive Creative Director: Paul Wallace
SVP Director of Strategic Planning: Tony Johnstone
Art Director Loretta Lau
Art Director Liam Johnstone
Copywriter: Arjang Esfandiyari
Business Unit Director: Nicole Lupke
Account Director Susan Powell
Account Supervisor Kristine Lafreniere
Account Executive: Lindy Scott
Senior Producer: Ryan Bourret
Senior Producer Chris Webden
Producer Meghan Cheesbrough
Developer Heung Lee
Production Company: Untitled Films
Director: Aleysa Young
Line Producer: Jennifer Walker
Post-Production Company: Rooster
Editor: Chris Parkins
Online Editor: Ernie Mordak
Colourist: Andrew Exworth
Audio House: Grayson Matthews
Audio House Producer: Kelly McCluskey
Audio House Engineer: Jono Holmes
Media Agency: PHD Media
Strategy Supervisor: Charles-A. Gélineau,
Digital Media Planner: Marianne Desfossé

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