Caterpillar "Built For It Trials : Driving Range" (2015) 2:20 (USA)

Just in time for the US Open, pro golfers Erimo and Marimo Ikeuchi test out a movable driving range courtesy of five different Caterpillar machines. Which should not be confused with soccer playing on movable transport trucks courtesy of Nissan.

Client: J. Archie Lyons, Deanna Dean
Executive Producer / Creative Director: J. Archie Lyons
Agency: OGILVY
Creative: Chris Curry, Jerry Dugan, Todd Goodale, David Marino, Emily Clark, Gavin Breyer
Chief Creative Officers: Steve Simpson, Chris Garbutt
Account: Kurt Lundberg, Kate Prescott, Bret Emerson
Planning: Bryan Smith, Liz Sparkman
Chief Production Officer: Matt Bonin
Producer: Damon Webster
Director: Brandon LaGanke
Executive Producer: Joanne Golden
Line Producer: Daniel Lubell
DP: Paul McCarthy
EyePatch Executive Producer: Jay Cagide
Post Producer: Laura Shackelford
Editor: George Gross
Sound Engineer: Ken Meyer
Music Supervisor: Chris Mazur
Color/On-Line: Method/Co3
Assistant Editors: Wes Latta, Andrea Podaski

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